Print/Fax Order Form
Wood Stabilizing Specialists, Int'l.
2940 Fayette Ave.
Ionia, IA. 50645
Toll Free: 800.301.WSSI or 641-435-4746
Fax: 641.435.4759
Print this form and use for fax or mail orders.
Be sure to include your e.mail address.
Orders are acknowledged via email upon receipt.



Address 2:



Zip/Postal Code:


Home Phone:

Work Phone:

Cell Phone:

Your Email:

The following are important guidelines when shipping wood to be treated
1) Make sure wood is free of sealers, lacquer, or glue.
2) No writing on wood with anything other than a "Bic" brand whiteout correction pen. The "Bic" whiteout pen will not adversely effect the stabilizing & wood dyeing process.
3) A "Bic" brand whiteout correction pen should be used to mark your initials on at least one end of each piece of wood. Bookmarked knife scales should be marked on one end with identical numbers so they can more easily be matched back up. It is suggested that customers should mark their own material. Please make sure it's a good, heavy, & legible mark with the "Bic" whiteout pen.
4) I recommend sanding the edges and faces of each piece lightly with 80 grit sandpaper. This helps clean the wood up and will result in a cleaner, clear processed material. Also, dyed material will have a truer and more brilliant color.
5) If I have to clean up, sand, or mark customer supplied wood, there will be a fee based on actual time required with a minimum charge of $10.00.
To check on current order status, email or call 800.301.WSSI with questions pertaining to orders between the hours of 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Central Time, Monday thru Friday.
Thank You!
Mike Ludemann