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Wood Stabilizing Specialists, Int'l., LLC

Wood Stabilizing Specialists, Int'l., LLC, Ionia IA 50645 | Toll Free in US 1-800-301-WSSI (9774)

Effective November 01, 2013, we are discontinuing use of the email addresses, &
Please address all email to:

See you at the Blade Show, June 3rd – 5th. We will be at booth 707 this year.

raw wood blockWood Stabilizing Specialists, Int'l., LLC ("WSSI")
2940 Fayette Ave
Ionia IA 50645
Toll Free in US 1-800-301-WSSI (9774) or 1-641-435-4746

email gifemail us or go to Contact Form!

Shipping wood for treatment?
Please review the following...
General disclaimer: wood stabilization process

Potential problems that can occur in the wood stabilization process

Moisture: Wood sent to us for stabilization must be dry. We will moisture check all wood externally but will not cut wood to test for moisture. Any moisture in the wood may create problems such as shrinking or cracking. This may occur immediately or later. If we believe the wood to be too wet, we will contact you for a decision. We absolutely do not recommend the moisture content to exceed 10%, with 6% to 8% preferred.

Oily Woods: As a general rule, oily woods such as cocobolo and rosewood do not stabilize well. The oils tend to leach out even after processing. This is also true of woods that contain pitch or resins associated with conifer trees.

Wood purchased by WSSI for customer use: If requested, we will supply wood. In this case, WSSI will guarantee only the stabilization process, not the wood itself. Our choice of species, grain, color, or texture must be accepted by our customers sight unseen. Preferences must be clearly stated in advance.

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Wood Stabilizing Specialists, Int'l., LLC ("WSSI")
2940 Fayette Ave
Ionia IA 50645
Toll Free in US 1-800-301-WSSI (9774) or 1-641-435-4746
email gif e.mail us... 

copyright © 1999-2015, Wood Stabilizing Specialists, International

Effective November 01, 2013, we are discontinuing use of the email addresses, &
Please address all email to:


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